AMHS-KFLA, alongside provincial and regional Public Health agencies, continues to actively monitor the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), and follow the latest recommendations from local and provincial health partners.

This page will be updated as needed with the latest information relating to our services. Please check back regularly for updates.

To protect the health and safety of clients, staff and community, the Agency has implemented precautions by making temporary changes to how our services are accessed.  Precautions in place shift to align to the latest recommendations from Public Health.

Updates as of June 2023:

Masking requirements have changed – masking is no longer required, but we support those who choose to continue to mask.

All visitors to AMHS-KFLA offices should screen for symptoms using posted signage, and not attend our offices if symptomatic.

AMHS-KFLA services continue, and remain accessible, and in-person services have resumed to support client care.

  • Screening, enhanced cleaning, additional precautions as well as changes to our physical spaces and entry processes are in place to support the safety and wellness of staff and clients accessing our sites.

Please reach out to our intake team should you wish to learn more about or access this program. Callers to our 24/7 Crisis Lines who would benefit from the program will be connected as well.

Contact Us

At any time, if you have questions about an upcoming appointment or services, please contact your assigned worker or contact us at 613-544-1356 or by email at [email protected] for assistance.

If you are in Crisis, please contact our 24/7 Crisis Lines for support:

Kingston & Frontenac

24/7 Crisis Phone Line: 613.544.4229
Toll Free: 1.866.616.6005

Lennox & Addington (L&A)

24/7 Crisis Phone Line: 613.354.7388
Toll Free: 1.800.267.7877

For information, updates and resources, you can visit: