Before Your Visit: Vaccine Policies for partner service providers, contractors, vendors, and other external visitors
Many healthcare providers and agencies in the region, including AMHS-KFLA, have implemented vaccination policies for their staff, to help to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the community, and to protect our most vulnerable.
AMHS-KFLA will also be implementing a Third-Party Vaccination policy to further support the health and wellness of clients and others accessing our locations in the community.
This policy will go into effect as of Monday, October 25th, 2021 and requires proof of vaccination to be provided by partner service providers, contractors, vendors, and other external visitors to the agency before access to our site(s) is granted.
PLEASE NOTE: proof of vaccination IS NOT REQUIRED for anyone accessing services (clients) as well as others who may be accompanying them to access services or individuals visiting participants in our residential programs. There are no barriers to accessing care. We support all individuals regardless of vaccination status
Visitors accessing our sites on or after October 25th must provide their proof of vaccination at reception, or to the staff member they are coming to meet, either by providing proof of vaccination via a copy of their second dose vaccine receipt alongside a piece of government-issued identification, or via the QR code app when this becomes available from the province.
Those accessing AMHS-KFLA sites will continue to be screened and to follow on site precautions in place as per provincial and local public health guidelines.
Individuals, such as delivery drivers and mail carriers dropping something off without entering our sites are not required to provide this information.
Information will be logged to support contract tracing and reporting requirements of the province and/or KFL&A Public Health, as applicable.